Friday, May 28, 2010

Social Class

In sociology we learn that its very hard to change social class. If youring the working class you most likely will stay there or you could move up or down the ladder depending on your choices. For example I will probably stay in the upper middle class because my parents force me to be a certain way. They make sure I get good grades in high school and that I will be able to go to college. I wont have to worry too much about college tutition becuase my parents will help me which in turn makes less debts i'll have to pay after college. Then they'll make sure I get a good paying job and help me make sure I am ok and that I stay an upper middle class adult. It's so hard to think that poor people in the reading work so hard at their jobs but they cant even make enough money to feed and have housing. Social class needs to change so that others can have a better standard of living.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I have changed over the past semester. I have become more aware of my actions and what I say does matter. Also that racial slurs need to stop because they are wrong and we need to start accepting everyone for who they are. Also I noticed that my parents influence me a lot more than I thought. My parents have taught me everything and I have been social constructed to think a certain way but i'm trying to stop that. It's Amazing sociology is everywhere and you would never think that just sitting and watching otheres could be so entertaining and also weird because you have been forced since you were born to keep moving, keep on doing something and to not stop. FRom now on i'm gonna stop more and make sure I don't fall into the busyness of life. I really wish their was more sociology classes at stevenson because this has sparked my interest as to why people think the way that they do.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


After watching the movie Crash I realized that no matter how hard we try to stop with the racial stereotyping we will never be able to stop. We can't stop because we are taught since we are born what to think of other people with different skin colors than our own. It's ridiculous to think that people have changed their racial stereotypes. No matter how hard we try it seems people will never be fully accepting of one another because we are so focused on the way each mother looks no one tries to find the person behind the skin. Crash was just another example of where we see racial slurs but in an extreme example. In life it could be the little things your dad might say to you or something a friend says to you. You need to speak up and change their minds because they were told to think this way but its wrong and just haults progress for equality for all.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Will you win the Race?

What is race? Is it your skin tone? Is it the way you look? Is it who your parents are? Most people think that race is based on all this that you have to be categorized into a specific race. That you are either black or white or hispanice or native american or asian. As of the past few years Jews were never considered white they were considered their own race category of Jews. Now most jews are considered white because they fought to be considered white. White is supposedly the pure culture and all others are unpure. Hispanics even fought to be considered white hispanics instead of being a seperate category. In Brazil you can change your race by providing evidence that you are a different race. For example if someone is viewed as black they can change to become white by providing evidence that maybe their mom or grnadma was white so that therefore makes them white. Also in Brazil your family can be made up of different races. For example you could be considered asian but your sister could be white and one of your parents is white and the other asian. Race is made up and doesnt really existed biologically. Race is based on peoples perceptions of others. Race is just another way to divide people even more.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Courtroom 302

In Courtroom 302 it was about guards mentally pressuring the inmates. The guards use yelling and scare tactics to make the prisoners scared of them. If they are scareds then they wont fight back. Also so the few guards dont get hurt by the inmates. It's very degrading to be an inmate because you must do what your told or you get hit. I would never want to be put in prison.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


In the reading for this week it talked about gay-baiting. gay-baiting is using words such as faggot or calling someone gay. Sociologist have found that gay-baiting is more about boys not feeling like a man. gay-baiting is a way to strip away any feeling that a guy is a man. With day of silence coming up it will be interesting to see how gay-baiting plays out throughout the day. Going to a pretty acceptable school I thought naturally that everyone was ok with homosexuals but that is not the case. My friend who is gay was asked by another classmate if he gets gay slurs during the day directed towards him and he said everyday. That amazed me because he said that people say gay slurs and it make it hard for him and also that its easier to walk away. To me a real man walks away when they are made fun of because what will fighting accomplish....nothing. Men fear being called a sissy or girly becuase since birth they were told to be strong. I see this with my brother having to be manly and be just like the guys in his frat. You open a magaizine or go into a store such as Abercrombie and all you see is these sexed up versions of guys with bulging muscles. The fact is they aren't even real, just like women men too are digitally enhanced to have a better body.

Friday, April 9, 2010

What's Wrong With Me Today? (EvErYtHiNg!)

When your a young girl your mom hands you a toy. This toy becomes the thing you most play with. The toy for me was barbie. When I was a little kid I used to play with barbie because she was perfect in everyway, she had a skinny body, a big chest, perfectly toned legs, the perfect boyfriend (Ken) and of course that always awesome looking hair. As I grew up I started to see myself has having to be barbie because just as most girls I went through puberty and all the sudden cared what I looked like. Everytime I looked in the mirrror I saw something wrong but I would never let myself be mad about it or fix it because I am what I am and no one can judge me unless I let that in. Unfortunately I would see my friends not have the same attitude as me. Everytime you took your bathroom partner (for some reason girls can't go to the bathrooms by themselves!) they would look in the mirror and try to fix the hair, make up, talk about boys and be all stereotypical, they had become morphed into this socially conformed clone of one another that I couldn't tell who my real friends were anymore. In class we watched doves campaign for real beauty. This is what little girls watch, not these sexed up version of what a woman is supposed to be. Everytime I go anywhere I am confronted with that sexed up version of what a woman is. Its everywhere from ads to television to movies and to even the terrible rap videos. I refuse to give into the mainstream culture of rap and hiphop because on every video there are at least 20 girls mostly naked, but clothed enough to not be a porno. Everytime I hear a behind the music of the rappers convicted or found innocent of rape or abuse of woman it turns me off to that kind of gangster lifestyle. Everyday it kills me to see all these boys try and look and act like gangsters. FACE IT BOYS YOU LIVE IN AN UPPER MIDDLE CLASS SOCIETY AND YOU ARE WHITE!!!! My fear is that one day that these guys i've grow up with will just become another statistic of abusing or raping a woman. I also fear that my friendss that try so hard to be this perfect image of beauty that they will never be happen with themselves and that they may become a victim of rape or abuse. Every girl boy and girl in high school should be forced to take a class and how your shaped as a human being to act and show them what true beauty is not this sexed up version.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Agents of Socialization: School

In the agents of socialization reading, we learned that school shapes our values. The values that we were taught at home change when you get to school every morning at 8:05 when the bell rings and then everyone is treated the same, with the same school rules. As you progress thrrough school your values change because people form cliques. Cliques are groups of usually same gender and people that like the same social norms. The only way to stay in a clique is to do everything the same and not deviate from the rule of the group to conform to one specific way, unless you want to become the outcast. I say become the outcast because why do the same thing as supposedly "your friends" when you can be original and do what you like. We have been enstilled since birth with conforming to what are parents want to be, having to graduate high school and you must get married and have kids. Those that don't do anything of these are looked on as outcast, stupid and aren't very accepted because school has taught us to conform to these stone age ideas. For the ones that don't conform to leading a "successful life" they are conforming not to conform. Truthfully they are the smart ones!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Human Nature

Everyone needs someone, that is part of Human Nature. When a baby is born it is taught to talk, walk, eat and everything else by their parents. Babies are nurtured into being a fully grown human adult. The effect that genie had with no human relations was distarious. She could do anything because she never had any human interaction. Genie teaches you to be thankful for what you have.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kill Me Now

This week we watched Tuesdays with Morrie. In the movie a former student, Mitch, reconnects with his college professor, Morrie, before he dies from ALS. Mitch has trouble understanding why Morrie is ok with death. Mitch is uncomfortable with the thought of death just like most Americans, myself included. Death is hard for most to talk about because it reminds you of people that used to be alive and how they impacted your life. When I think of death, I think of my grandparents. Just like Morrie I had a grandfather that was diagnosed with a similar disorder of alzheimer's and parkinson's. As each time Mitch went to visit Morrie he got progressively worse. Unfortunately just like Mitch I too had to see my grandfather go from being perfectly fine to having to be helped for everything. Its not an easy process to go through nor do you take lightly. When they would talked about almost losing Morrie but it was touch and go for awhile. I too have experienced more then I care to admit. These are the moments that make you evaluate yourself as a person and realize everyone has the same destiny of death. Death is sucha hard subject to be around because it makes everyone uncomfortable and Americans just want to stay in their comfort zone. Death is a part of life and i have had to except that but for most people they believe they will cheat death but in the end they will have to face the scary, dark tunnel of death.