Friday, May 28, 2010

Social Class

In sociology we learn that its very hard to change social class. If youring the working class you most likely will stay there or you could move up or down the ladder depending on your choices. For example I will probably stay in the upper middle class because my parents force me to be a certain way. They make sure I get good grades in high school and that I will be able to go to college. I wont have to worry too much about college tutition becuase my parents will help me which in turn makes less debts i'll have to pay after college. Then they'll make sure I get a good paying job and help me make sure I am ok and that I stay an upper middle class adult. It's so hard to think that poor people in the reading work so hard at their jobs but they cant even make enough money to feed and have housing. Social class needs to change so that others can have a better standard of living.

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